Extra Downloads
Below are a few book-related extra downloads that you may find useful.
Here is a midi arrangement of Flight of the Bumblebee, as the piece is performed in Speed Mechanics for Lead Guitar. Yes, midi files sound quite cheesy, but it's still a good tool for practice since you can adjust tempo easily in any midi-compatible software player:
Below is notation for the backing rhythm tracks played under the solos in Metal Lead Guitar Volumes 1 and 2. These files are pdfs:
Open Fire - rhythm guitar notation pdf
To the Stage - rhythm guitar notation pdf
From the Heart - rhythm guitar notation pdf
The Heavy Side - rhythm guitar notation pdf
Montezuma's Revenge - rhythm guitar notation pdf
Into the Spotlight - rhythm guitar notation pdf
Mystic Places - rhythm guitar notation pdf
Drastic Measures - rhythm guitar notation pdf
New Lands - rhythm guitar notation pdf
Lightning's Edge - rhythm guitar notation pdf
Battle to Victory - rhythm guitar notation pdf
And the final rhythm track to Babylon is found at the end of Metal Rhythm Guitar 2.